Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ricky Gervais: Why I'm An Atheist

The Wall Street Journal has an article up by actor Ricky Gervais in which he shares his thoughts about "Why I'm An Atheist." Mr. Gervais lays out the basic reasons why he does not believe in God or a god or any gods and the reasons are typical of those who identify themselves as atheists. Not much new to learn here other than perhaps the turning point in his own life that caused him to question whether the God of his childhood actually exists or not.

Honestly, I've never cared for Mr. Gervais' performances as an actor in the couple of movies I have seen him in. He may be better as a stand-up comedian, but I can't comment on that since I've never seen him do a routine.

But I will say that my estimation of him as a person has risen dramatically after reading this article. I believe there may be more substance to him in his real life than what I've been able to see of him in his on-screen performances.

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